NGO Associated With ECOSOC At The United Nations
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Loreto Convent Msongari Students Visit the UN

Eight students and their teacher from Loreto Convent Msongari visited the UN NGO office after participating at the World Scholar’s Cup Tournament of Champions at Yale University in November. Loreto Convent Msongari has been participating in this event since 2017. The World Scholar’s Cup is an annual international team academic program with students participating from over 65 countries. Forty students participated at the regional level out of which eight students proceeded to the Global Round in Bangkok, Thailand. With dedicated support from the parents and the school, the team qualified to participate in the final level: the Tournament of Champions from 11 – 16 November 2022.

They came to New York on their final day to visit the UN and our office. We organised for the students and their teacher to visit the Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations and to have a tour of the UN headquarters. They met with the Deputy Ambassador Michael Kiboino, Education Attaché Andrew Buop and other Mission staff. The students had a lively conversation with the Deputy Ambassador and other staff about their work at the UN and how they could be part of this work.

The students appreciated this UN experience that complemented the skills they gained from the academic activity of the World Scholars Cup that included writing, research, analytical, evaluation, oral and debating skills. The same skills that are required in advocating at the UN. Two of the students in the group have since joined the Mary Ward Youth Advocacy Program with one facilitating a group that are writing the oral statement that will be delivered at the 67th Session of the Commission of the Status of Women in March 2023.

Photo: Loreto Msongari students, Ms. Velma Muyela, Janet Palafox ibvm with Kenya Deputy Ambassador Kiboino, Mr. Buop and other Mission staff.
