High Level Political Forum 2021 NGO Major Group Position Paper
The NGO Major Group released their position paper for the High Level Political Forum 2021 reminding us that the COVID 19 pandemic continue to devastate
In a world of inequality and oppression we stand with those exploited in any way by unjust systems and structures. Of particular concern to us are injustices that prevent women and men from becoming fully and freely the human persons God created them to be. (IBVM Constitutions Vol. 2, 2.8)
Core to our work is to advocate at a global level for the concerns and issues of the communities where the IBVM and CJ are present. Position papers informed by the experience and hopes of communities guide our advocacy in UN Forums.
The NGO Major Group released their position paper for the High Level Political Forum 2021 reminding us that the COVID 19 pandemic continue to devastate
The COVID-19 global pandemic intensifies the need for accelerated and united action from all stakeholders. In this unique moment in history, we clearly see how
On 24 January 2020, the 2nd UN International Day for Education was celebrated. We attended the dialogue held at the United Nations and launched our
This year on April 22, we celebrated 50 years of World Earth Day. The Earth Day organizers chose climate action as the theme for this
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