The CSocD59 including the Civil Society Forum (CSF) was the first 100% virtual commission in its history and it was a grand success! I am so glad that some of the members from our network were able to join the CSocD59 this year.
The members of the NGO Committee for Social Development (including IBVM NGO) have been preparing for many months. We were engaged in raising awareness on the priority theme and bringing the voices, experiences and recommendations from the grassroots. These recommendations were in the Civil Society Declaration and given to the world leaders. The Chair of the Commission was very appreciative of the advocacy of the Civil Society.
The Commission approved the draft resolution on the priority theme “Socially just transition towards sustainable development: the role of digital technologies on social development and well-being of all.” Through the nine-page text, the Council, recognized how the pandemic has aggravated inequalities, urged Member States, in collaboration with other stakeholders, to close the digital divide, and promote digital inclusion.
The Commission decided the priority theme for 2022 is “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, wellbeing and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda.”
Hope to see you all in the coming years participating in the Commission on Social Development Forum. Read the declaration in English and Spanish.
Author: Cynthia Mathew cj