NGO Associated With ECOSOC At The United Nations
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Intern Reflections: Bridging Global Advocacy and Local Engagement

As I near the end of my internship with the IBVM/CJ UN NGO, I reflect on an extraordinary six months filled with invaluable experiences.

In January, I had the privilege of virtually participating in our side event for the Commission on Social Development (CSoCD). In late February, I transitioned to an in-person role in New York and attended many ECOSOC sessions including the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII), Financing for Development Forum (FfD), ECOSOC Youth Forum, and the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings. In May and June, I developed a student engagement strategy while traveling across the US to visit extended family. This initiative aims to educate students within our network about the UN, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), human rights, and advocacy. Finally, I returned to New York for the month of July to attend the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). 

Throughout my internship, my responsibilities primarily involved attending sessions, summarising key takeaways, and sharing insights through our News Updates. I also managed our social media platforms, creating content to inform our network about upcoming events and posting live updates from sessions attended by our delegates. Notably, during CSW and HLPF, I captured our delegates’ reflections through short videos posted on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

My involvement with the Working Group on Girls (WGG) was particularly meaningful. During CSW, I managed their social media content, spotlighting Girl Advocates demanding the inclusion of girls’ rights in UN outcomes. I had the opportunity to meet many of these girls during the CSW orientation weekend, hosted by WGG, where I recorded the Girl Advocate’s Oral Statements.  Additionally, I wrote the conversation prompts for this year’s Conversation Circle Toolkit, focusing on Section L of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action ahead of its 30th anniversary, highlighting ongoing gender inequalities.

I am especially proud of the engagement tools I developed for our local network. In particular, I designed a gender equality webinar series. This initiative, sparked by discussions with our delegation at CSW, has since facilitated webinars across our provinces in Canada, Spain/Peru, with upcoming sessions in Australia and India/Nepal. As mentioned, I also crafted a student engagement strategy. This consists of three lessons as well as a guide to implementing a UN student club and utilising the Conversation Circle Toolkit.

Reflecting on what I’ve learned from my internship, I’ve gained a profound understanding of UN systems, civil society’s integration, and the complexities of global diplomacy. Witnessing diplomatic discussions firsthand, such as the Security Council’s deliberations on the Russian invasion anniversary, underscored the real-world impact of international dialogue.

Most importantly, this experience has deepened my advocacy skills. During my time at the UN, I have applied advocacy through participating in side events, diplomatic engagements, written statements, youth groups and social media outreach.

I believe educating our network, and particularly our students, about the SDGs is crucial. You can watch my advocacy video to learn more about how we can better apply the SDGs to our own life by understanding, reflecting on, and engaging with the goals to drive policy change and address systemic inequalities. 

In summary, my time at the UN has been incredibly fulfilling, and I am very grateful for the chance to work alongside Sr. Janet in New York. It was a highlight meeting IBVM/CJ Sisters and colleagues from Spain, India, Nepal, Canada, and Ireland who came as delegates for CSW and HLPF. I feel privileged to have worked alongside such an inspiring and welcoming community.


Author: Lauren Grant, Youth Representative 
