NGO Associated With ECOSOC At The United Nations
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CSocD61 Statement: Creating an Inclusive Society

The protection of the rights of workers is critical, especially for those in informal, gig and platform work, who often lack access to basic benefits and safe work conditions. In the current economic situation, they are more vulnerable to exploitation. Access to decent and safe work is a human right.

We welcome the priority theme of the 61st Commission on Social Development that focus on the importance of full and productive employment and decent work for all to address inequality in our societies. As educators, we understand the importance of access to quality education to better equip people to gain employment and decent livelihood. 

Over the years, our members have collaborated with local organizations, national governments, and other stakeholders to offer livelihood training for youth and women from marginalized sections of society and supporting them in creating jobs and livelihoods for themselves. Examples of our work in India, Slovakia and South Sudan, together with the recommendations from our network were included in the written statement we submitted. 

We asked the Members States to:
• Invest in quality education and universal social protection.
• Consider social investment policies seriously. This means policies designed to enhance and strengthen young people and women’s skills and potential, which will help them to earn and participate in employment and social life.
• Enforce public policies which encourage the formalization and growth of micro, small and medium enterprises, which can be achieved through strengthened access of the public to gender-specific financial support services and credit.
• Increase investment in the care and green economy and create more job opportunities for women and youth.
• Provide vocational training for the youth, including out of school youth, that will create pathways for employment.

You can read the Written Statement that we submitted HERE.

We also endorsed the Written Statements submitted by:

AUTHOR: Janet Palafox ibvm
