Loreto St Michael’s’ Navan celebrated its 44th consecutive Social Justice Week (February 28-March 4). With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions the annual event managed to return to some of its previous glory. The week opened on Monday 28 February, with the entire school spending first period looking at the background to the week and the theme of Kindness.
We welcomed local county councillor Yemi Adenuga who spoke to our 6th year students about women in politics. Dogs Trust representatives also visited on Monday and spoke to our 1st year students on responsible pet ownership.
Day 1: Our TY students Peer taught 1st year students on the make-up of the world using the resource of the World of a 100 People.
Day 2: We welcomed Fr Peter McVerry who spoke to our 5th year students about his work with Homelessness and those with no voice in society.
Day 3: We welcomed Meath Food Bank to the school and they spoke to a number of year groups about their work in the local community.
Throughout the week our 5th year students peer taught all 1st, 2nd and 3rd years in two workshops on multiculturalism and fast fashion.
At the workshop based on multiculturalism, students examined the make-up of their year group and looked at the origins, languages, customs, traditions and religions practiced in their given year group.
The second workshop was on Fast Fashion. During this workshop the students examined the causes of Fast Fashion and they designed their own T-shirts which outlined their key learning from the workshop.
The Development Education Team would like to thank all staff and students for their help in running another successful Social Justice Week.
Author: Fionnuala Lynch ibvm