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CSW65: Everyone Can Drive Change

With the correct guidance, women can strive for change in all areas of the work force if they have a passion for justice and equality.

On Wednesday the 24th of March, from 7:00pm to 9:30am the next day, I took part in 6 online CSW65 conferences. These included ‘Dolores Huerta: Teaching a Civil Rights Icon via Art, Music and Poetry’, “I’m Speaking” an event honouring Women’s History Month’, ‘Witchcraft and witch persecution in Early New England’, ‘YEP Forum and WIPA present: Women in energy’, ‘International Women’s Day Speakers Series #IMEVERYWOMAN’, and “I am a Fighter” an event honouring Women’s History Month’. 

These conferences highlighted the struggles women as well as people of colour face in the workforce, as well as discussing other issues such as the way in which culture, race, and sexual orientation effects the way one may be perceived or represented in society and the work force, as well as the number of opportunities and amount of recognition they receive. Something that particularly stood out to me was the discussion about how people such as myself; a young woman with a passion for justice can create change in our world. With the correct guidance, women can strive for change in all areas of the work force if they have a passion for justice and equality. Everyone can drive change by being hopeful towards the future and asking questions such as “is what I am doing going to benefit someone more marginalised than myself?” 

Overall, these conferences taught me the importance of seeking equality and justice in a world where issues such as discrimination, child marriage, poverty, and lack of education particularly in women and girls exist. After these conferences, I realised how important it was for me to use my knowledge and privilege to educate those around me, and to have the uncomfortable conversations about social injustice. Because if I don’t stand up for the rights of those around me, then I am not helping to create a world in which everyone is respected and valued.

Author: Charlotte Hamilton 
