The training not only taught us what a mission visit is all about, why is it so important and how to prepare for it, but it also made us aware of the gender-bias prevailing in many corners of the world.
Ayushi, Girl Advocate
On January 11, 2025, I attended the Girls Mission Visit Training organised by The Working Group on Girls (WGG). It was really an invaluable experience. There were girl delegates from all over the world who were trained on how to interact during a mission visit with the diplomats representing their respective countries at the United Nations.
In the training, we were taught what are the materials to be organised before a mission visit, how to use them and what are we supposed to do after the meeting. During a mission visit, we represent the WGG and speak for all the girls facing discrimination. For a mission visit, a group of girls (mainly belonging to the age group of 12-19 years), come together as a team and prepare for the interactive meeting with the diplomat(s).
We were taught to point out the SDG goals that have not yet been achieved in that country, especially the ones stressing on gender equality, and what actions must be taken in order to achieve the goal. Apart from what we must do during a mission visit, we were made aware of what is a “Mission Visit”, why is it so important and how to prepare for it. We were asked to send a thank-you email with a personal touch, to the diplomat after the mission visit. We were told that the meeting could either be in-person or virtual and may be on a very short notice, so we must always be prepared.
The training gave us the knowledge, tools, and practical experience necessary to advocate effectively during mission visits ahead of CSW69. The main purpose is to advocate for the problems faced by girls and women, on whose behalf we are speaking. We must clearly convey our requests and suggest applicable and necessary measures which could be taken to eradicate gender bias in the country and the entire world. We must explain our issues and convey to them the incidents shared by girls from all over the world who are facing discrimination for being a female.
They did not only teach us what a mission visit is all about, why is it so important and how to prepare for it, but they also made us aware of the gender-bias prevailing in many corners of the world. The training helped us to learn advocacy skills and practices to improve our skills. It encouraged us to stand up for our own rights, by ourselves. It did not only prove helpful in this matter, but also for anything else where we are facing injustice.
It was a life-long, unforgettable and a very helpful experience. It made us aware of the adverse situations of girls around the globe. It encouraged us to stand up for them and for ourselves, and fight for our rights. In the future, it will help us to advocate our demands to anyone regarding our rights.
The WGG is really working hard to improve the state of the girls and constantly trying to make the earth a better place for the women and girls to live in. They are taking the initiative to advocate for the girls’ problems by conveying the issues and gender-inequality faced by girls in the world, to the diplomats of various countries at the UN. To conclude, the Girls Mission Visit Training was successful in fulfilling the objective of teaching us advocacy skills to stand up for girls.
Author: Ayushi Singh, India